It’s the mainstream media’s religious duty to be Umno’s propaganda machine.
It’s the mainstream media’s religious duty to treat its readers as juvenile morons.
It’s Umno mainstream media’s religious duty to glorify suicide bombers and mass murderers by calling them ‘berani mati.’
It’s the police force’s religious duty to violate the constitution and deprive people their right to free speech.
It’s the police religious duty to be an extension of and to serve as Umno’s enforcer.
It’s the police’s religious duty to mastermind sodomy trials against Umno’s political adversaries.
It’s Umno’s religious duty to imprison people without trial.
It’s Umno’s religious duty to continue to espouse racist and discriminatory policies.
It’s Umno’s religious duty to make a mockery of the government’s education policies.
It’s MIC’s religious duty to have repeated financial scandals.
It’s MIC’s religious duty to be perpetually incompetent.
It’s the MCA, Gerakan and MIC’s religious duty to be politically spineless.
It’s the BN parties’ religious duty to blindly support Umno’s agenda of divide and rule.
It’s Umno’s religious duty to carry out a coup in Perak.
It’s Umno’s religious duty to play the race card when it is desperate.
It’s the judiciary’s duty to serve its Umno master.
It’s the judiciary’s duty to make a mockery of its role as preserver of the constitution.
It’s some people’s religious duty to be so very jealous of
It’s some people’s religious duty to insist on a new bridge to
It’s Umno’s religious duty to undermine religious freedoms in the country.
It’s our religious duty to make sure crooks don’t get away by swindling the public in the PKFZ scandal.
It’s your religious duty to ensure that corrupt politicians get their just desert.
And I often wonder if…
It’s your religious duty to never support a corrupt regime.
G. Krishnan